As one of the most respected fence contractors in Montgomery County, we provide a lot of tips, advice and other relatively serious content in this blog. But every now and then, we do something just for the fun of it. This time, we thought it might be entertaining to take a look at what kind of an impact the art of fencing has had on the rest of the art world. So, without further ado, we present to you….fences in art:
Paramore: Fences
Hailing from Franklin, Tennessee, Paramore is a three-person rock band that – if their 2007 song “Fences” is anything to go by – has spent their fair share of time thinking about fencing. As fencing enthusiasts, we’re particularly excited about the line: “If you let me I could, I’d show you how to build your fences.” If you want to check out the rest of the song, you can find the official Fences YouTube video.
Rolling Stones: Sitting On A Fence
If your music tastes run a little more old school, you might enjoy the Rolling Stones song from 1967 titled “Sitting On A Fence.” We don’t know much about sitting on fences, since we’re usually too busy working to have time for that, but the rhymes are nice regardless: “I’m just sitting on a fence, you can say I got no sense.” To hear the rest of the song you can watch the Sitting On A Fence YouTube video.
Claude Monet: La Pie
The most recognizable name in impressionist art, and one of the most famous painters in the history of art, Claude Monet, did his share of admiring aesthetically pleasing fences, and ended up painting quite a few of them too. This winter fence scene was painted in 1868, and it’s a part of Monet’s early work. We don’t know about you, but we think Monet would’ve made a great “fencer,” if he hadn’t decided to be a painter instead.
Vincent Van Gog: Wheat Fields
Vincent Van Gogh may have been strange enough to cut off his ear and spend a considerable amount of his life under surveillance in a mental institution, but you can’t fault his taste for a nice fence. This painting was finished in 1888 – a year before his death – and shows a beautiful old fashioned wood fence. We can only hope a contemporary Van Gogh will one day capture our fencing work for generations to come…
“The only fence against the world is a thorough knowledge of it.”
– John Locke
We have to say, John Locke may have been one of the most famous philosophers of all time and heralded as the greatest Enlightenment thinker…but we think he wasn’t all that enlightened about fences (no offense – or should we say of-fence?). If he had called our customer service, we could have told him that there are, in fact, various ways to fence against the world.
“Don’t ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up”
– Robert Frost
Now, this statement we can get behind. It’s definitely important to appreciate good fencing work and consider repairs before tearing anything down, as well as take into account the reasons for building a fence before getting rid of it, or you might end up with a missing pet or a ruined view. It would appear Robert Frost wasn’t just a great poet but a pretty sensible man, too.