Which Fences are the Strongest?

strong fence

In the Pennsylvania area, many residents endure the unpredictable weather conditions that come with every changing season. This winter, our location has experienced a range of snowy ice storms with freezing rain that can cause damage to properties. Weather is a major factor to consider when it comes to choosing a good fence, such as aluminum fencing in Chester County, PA. Aside from making your yard look appealing, fences need to be sturdy and strong to hold up during bad weather. We at Greenhill Fencing, Inc., have created a list of the strongest fencing materials.

Some fence materials are easily breakable than others but don’t cost much to repair. Other fence materials are immensely durable but have to be installed properly. By reviewing different types of fences, you can determine which one would best suit your property in the best way possible, especially when it comes to unexpected weather conditions.



–          Allows for a versatile design

–          Will need waterproofing

–          Strength depends on what type of wood is used

–          Susceptible to rotting and pest issues

–          Can be painted or finished


–          Will last for over 10 years

–          Limited in color – only white, dark tan and light tan

–          Less maintenance issues

–          Low grade is more vulnerable to degradation from sunlight and high temperatures

–          May need reinforcement for wide gated areas


–          Made of steel that is flexible

–          If scratched, it will rust quickly

–          Needs precise form to reduce chance of a bulge or wave


–          Extremely strong

–          Long lasting

–          More expensive

–          Durable


–          Not very attractive

–          No privacy

–          Strong and long lasting

–          For temporary purposes and marking boundaries

–          Rust and corrosion resistance

If you need advice concerning the choice of a strong fence, contact us today to speak with one of our experts. We’d love to help you! We are one of the fence installation companies in Bucks County that provide free quotes.

strong wood fence