Three Tips for Fence Maintenance in Winter

Winter can be a rough time for your fence, as the elements may affect it and potentially lead to damage. If you have a wooden fence, this risk is amplified. Because of these effects, it is important to keep a close eye on your fence during the cold season. As one of the leading fence installation companies in Bucks County, we know a thing or two about maintaining a fence and protecting it from the elements, so we’re sharing some essential tips that will help keep your wooden fence standing upright this winter.

Prevent winter warping.

As we’ve learned with the temperatures shifting from below freezing to upwards of 60 degrees and everything in between in the past month, winter weather can be unpredictable. The downside to this is that it can cause your fence to contract and expand, leading to knotholes. Aside from being an eyesore, knotholes are a breeding ground for animals, mold, and other unwanted guests. Greenhill Fencing can help you find out what kind of wood is best for avoiding knotholes. 

Make sure your fence stays level.

Once the cold of winter is behind us, your fence is still at risk of damage from the after-effects. In particular, your fence posts could shift due to the inconsistency in the soil after a cold front. This puts the entire structural integrity of your fence at risk.

Greenhill Fencing makes a concerted effort to avoid this issue by making sure are posts are far enough into the soil when we install, as well as keeping the fence level as needed. If, come spring, your fence isn’t level, we can make the appropriate repairs once the weather is warm enough.

Keep moisture out of your fence.

Winter weather isn’t the only threat to your fence – your fence is just as much at risk of moisture during the summer, too. The difference this time of year, however, is that the weather isn’t warm enough to allow your fence to dry out, and the cold moisture staying in the wood will cause it to rot and allow your fence to fall apart. To prevent this from happening, apply oil-based stains to your fence in the late summer or fall – early enough so that it settles and can be effective in time for the cold fronts to come.

For additional information, click here to contact Greenhill Fencing, one of the leading fence companies in Delaware County.